Body Confidence for Life
May 14, 2021

Do you want to start feeling amazing and appreciate your body RIGHT NOW?

Not tomorrow or next week. But right at this very moment?

You might think you have to wait “until” something happens before you can feel truly confident, such as:

  • Losing a certain amount of weight
  • Fitting back into your favorite jeans
  • Completing your latest “detox” plan

Body confidence (or body positivity) is about eliminating external pressures to attain a certain “look” or the ideal body, and both appreciating and loving yourself for who you are right now in this moment! You can still strive to change, but seeking that change from a place of love and appreciation for yourself, rather than a place of self-loathing will change everything – including your confidence!

Below are five actionable steps you can take immediately to instantly start feeling more confident. Download my ebook to guide you through each of the steps.

  1. Watch your words: how we talk to ourselves and others can have a profound impact on our confidence and self-efficacy. One of the most important things you can do is learn to quiet inner negative self-talk and redirect to notice your positive traits.
  2. Curate your social media: studies have shown that the quality of your online interactions can have a profound impact on your mood and worthiness. Social media is simply a tool to help us stay connected. Pay attention to how other people/accounts make you feel and unfollow (or mute) those that either make you feel “less than” or that conjure up negative feelings.
  3. Focus on what your body CAN do: our society is obsessed with weight and appearance when it comes to fitness. This leaves us focusing on the mirror, the scale, and others opinions for how we feel. The most empowering feeling is when you instead take pride in all of the incredible things your body CAN do – and love it for all of its strength, power, and resilience.
  4. Set healthy goals: If your fitness goals feel like something you need to “get through” or feel like punishment, it might be a good idea to create better goals – ones that improve your quality of life and make you feel energized!
  5. Surround yourself with positive people: Researchers believe that the people in your life have an impact on your confidence, your aspirations, and more. That is why this is one of the top factors in determining your success in life.

Which step do you think will be the most helpful for you to get started working on right now?

Meet Jenn

Ascend With Jenn

My mission is to help women evolve into the next best version of themselves through fitness training, nutrition, and activewear.

About Fresh Take Fitness

Fresh Take Fitness is a private coaching practice dedicated to helping women transform their bodies and minds to be stronger and more energetic. We specialize in body composition so while we do definitely help women lose weight, that is not and never will be the focal point when we work together.  Spaces are limited  so my clients really enjoy the personalization they get with their training and nutrition, as well as the individual accountability.

Custom Nutrition & Training

Fresh Take Fitness offers custom plans that include both nutrition and training. Find out which plan will best fit your lifestyle and goals.

Training Plans

Do you already have a nutrition plan that is working for you? Great! Custom training only plans are available, and could be the next step you are waiting for.

Jenn's Faves

Whether you are looking for activewear, food & nutrition, or other supplements, Jenn has you covered with her favorite brands and products. Check them out!

Get Your Free Guide

I’m offering my free printable guide to you! The Body Confidence for Life Guide will be sent to your inbox when you sign up.