It’s actually a simple thing that can be challenging to figure out: determining what fitness means to YOU. Or in other words, what is YOUR “fresh take” on fitness?
According to the Oxford dictionary, the term fitness is defined as the condition of being physically fit and healthy. But if you were to ask around, I bet the definition of “condition of being fit and healthy” differs from person to person. In fact, across the fitness industry, different companies, coaches, personal trainers, and brands all have their own definitions and frameworks for what this means.
Have you ever taken a step back to really think about what it means to YOU? Too often, we set fitness goals that don’t REALLY matter to us – we saw other people set the goal so jumped on the bandwagon, we heard claims on how a juice cleanse would solve all of our problems so we went for it, we heard that some celebrity lost 30lbs in 30 days and thought maybe we should too – you get the picture, I bet you can think of a goal like that as well. We set those goals because we have not stopped to think about what being fit really means to us.
While fitness can mean different things to different people, what it means to YOU is what matters most. What it means to YOU is ultimately the anchor that will keep you committed to your fitness lifestyle and ultimately to achieving your fitness goals.
Your fitness and nutrition – and any goals you set – should ultimately support your mission in life and enhance your quality of life.
If you are ready to figure out your fresh take on fitness, book a 30 minute discovery call and let’s chat!